President Lincoln's Inaugural
March, 1861
1 Left Parkersburg this morning at ten o'clock. Changed cars at the broken bridge. Passed around the broken bridge. 17 freight cars smashed and an engine. We passed through a town called Oakland, Alleghany Co., Md. Quite a village. Nearly all the houses had the Stars and Stripes hoisted on them. Gave them three cheers. A very pleasant day. Passed through a great many tunnels.
2 Very pleasant today. Arrived at Washington at 6 o'clock. Felt quite unwell. Put up at the Richmond House Cor. D & 8th Streets. Went to bed from ten A. M. till 3 P. M. Took a dose of Rhubarb and Soda at 7 o'clock. Felt very sick to my stomach. Back felt very lame. Visited the Capitol. Heard part of Andrew Johnson's speech. He whipped Joe Lane terribly with his tongue. He was cheered and so the galleries were cleared. Then went to the House but there was so much confusion that I would not stay long. Andrew Johnson was a Senator from Tennessee who later became President. Joe Lane was a Senator from Oregon.
3 Sunday very pleasant. Attended a M. E. S. School. Opened it by invitation. Then stopped a few minutes at the Catholic Cathedral. Then heard Dr. Smith of the Presbyterian, Text 2nd Cor. Chap 10 part 4. Our weapon. In afternoon visited the monument and President's house. In the eve went to Trinity Church. Dr. Butler preached Text Prov 29, part 23. The monument was probably the Washington Monument which was not fully completed at this time. The term "White House" may not have been commonly used at that time.
4 About 11 o'clock it cleared up warm, cloudy, and appearance of rain. Stood on the city hall steps and saw the procession form. About 1000 District of Columbia volunteers. They looked nice. There were no regulars present. Then went to the West Front of the Capitol. After standing in front of the steps about 1 ½ hours, Mr. Lincoln, the president-elect, appeared. He looked well and spoke loud and distinct. I was pleased with his inaugural. He spoke with decision. Goodwin also attended Lincoln's second inaugural on March 4, 1865.
5 Cloudy and windy. At ten o'clock took the steamer T. Collyer for Mt. Vernon. Got there at 12 o'clock. Got a hasty view of the old and new tomb. Walked over the grounds. Cut a hickory cane in the woods outside the enclosure and obtained a few other relics. Took a drink from the spring house. Got a few acorns from the old tomb. Saw Fort Washington. Yesterday was only about 100 feet from Mr. Lincoln when he delivered his inaugural. About 550 persons visited Mt. Vernon today.
6 Got quite cold today. Visited the U. S. Conservatory. Saw a great variety of tropical plants. Then went to the Smithsonian Ins't. Spent 2½ hours there; could spend a week profitably there. After dinner went to the U. S. Patent office. Saw vest, pants worn by Washington. At three o'clock took the cars for Baltimore. Staid all night at the Sherwood House cor Fayette & Harrison St.
7 Pleasant this morn but a little cool. Walked about town a little. Took the cars at ten o'clock for Philadelphia. Arrived there at 3½ o'clock. Then went to Germantown. Staid all night at W. L. Fortescue. Yesterday saw the writing case that Washington had in the Revolution. The vest and breeches were worn when he resigned his commission at Annapolis, Md., 1783.
8 Quite pleasant today. About two o'clock took the cars at Hensington for Phillipsburg. Before I left Germantown called on J. H. Withington. At the patent office also saw Washington's sleeping tent that he had in the revolution. Also saw his table, chairs, saddle, and camp chest. Got to Phillipsburg at 7 o'clock. Staid all night at J. H. Benners. Phillipsburg is in northwestern New Jersey. This is near the region where he previously taught school.
9 It rained all the forenoon with a little snow. Took dinner at H. D. Swayzey's. Staid all night there. Made a few calls about town. Took tea at Fritts'. Also saw at the patent office the press that Franklin worked at in London, and his cane that he willed to Gen. Washington.
10 A little cloudy. Called at Dr. Paul's S. School: opened it with prayer. Then went to the morning prayer meeting at the M. E. Church: lead in prayer and made a few remarks. Heard Bro. G. Dory preach: text Rom. Chap 5 ver 8. Then opened Bro. Dickinson's class. Took dinner with him. Then went and opened the S. School and spoke to the infant class. After school opened Br. Lawrence's class. Then led the Union prayer meeting at the O. S. Presbyterian.
11 Quite pleasant today. Made a good many calls. Called at Mr. Hoag's and Woodward's schools. Last eve heard a Mr. Welch preach, a converted Roman Catolic, text 2nd Cor. Chap 1- -3 &4 verses. He was a Methodist; was raising money for the board of the American & Foreign Protestant Union. Called at Bro. Lawrence's.
12 Very pleasant today. Started on foot for Townsburg. Took dinner at J. J. Pace's. Staid all night at W. J. Henry's. Also called at T. Hoagland's, Mr. Curtis, A. Ketcham's, and A. D. Corwin's. All appeared glad to see me.
13 Some appearance of a storm a little rain in the forenoon. Called at the school taught by Miss Selina Fleming, one of my old scholars. Took dinner at A. L. Flemming's. Then started for Hackettstown. Called at Wm. Osium's and Alexander Howell's. Got to David Park's at about 7 o'clock.
14 It snowed quite hard all day. Went over to Cat Swamp to see about a school, but the present teacher wanted to stay so I could not get it. Called and saw John L. Davis. Staid all night at Charles Park's.
15 A little pleasanter today. Took a sleigh ride down to town with C. Parks. Called to D. V. C. Crate and W. L. & G. W. Johnson's. Then went to Mr. John S. Labor's. He said that the school at Beattystown was taken up. He gave me a note of introduction to Charley Stewart. Got a ride there. Staid with him all night.
16 Quite pleasant today. Called on the trustees and engaged the school. Called at the school and saw Mr. Proctor. Then took dinner at Rusling Whites's and walked back to Hackettstown and staid all night at David Parks.
17 Pleasant but quite cold. Went to church and Bro. R. Vanhorn preached. Text Rev. chap 3 ver 5: a good sermon. Took dinner at J. Baldwin's and attended class there. 30 present. Had a glorious time. A good many new converts that I never expected to see converted. Some old men.
18 Rather cold today. Staid at Mr. D. Parks and mended my boots. After dinner went to Vienna and staid all night at Alexander Howells. Had a pleasant time. It snowed a little last night.
19 Another pleasant day. Went to Townsburg. Took dinner at J. G. Ingersoll'. Was at the store part of the afternoon. Staid all night at John Dean's. Saw Bro. Manning Force. 72 years old. He commenced preaching at 22 yrs of age. Been an effective preacher about all the time.
20 Quite a pleasant day but the air was quite sharp. Went to Hackettstown with John Dean for company. Spent a part of the afternoon with Mr. R. Gibbs and took tea there. Then went H. Hopler's and staid all night.
21 Very snowy all day. It commenced last night at about nine o'clock. About dark this eve it quit. Snow about 10 inches deep. Took dinner and staid all night at Nelson Vliets.
22 Quite pleasant today. The snow melted considerable. Took dinner at Mr. Henry's. Took tea at A. Ketcham's. Staid all night at A. D. Corwin's.
23 Quite pleasant again today. Snow disappears slowly. Took dinner at A Myer's. Toward night went to Daniel Hull's and staid all night. Enjoyed well there and other places that I have visited.
24 Quite windy and cool today. Staid all the forenoon at Mr. Hull's. I went to the chapel in afternoon. Bro. Daily preached. Text James Chap 5 ver 7. Staid all night at Bro. Hulls.
25 Another pleasant day. Took dinner at Robert Vansyckle's and tea at Mayberry Whitesell's. Then went to Wm. Osmun's and staid all night there.
26 Quite moderate today. A little rain. Took dinner at Tommy Frome's. Staid all night at John Whitesell's.
27 Quite rainy today. After dinner went to Townsburg and staid all night at Wm. T. Henry's.
28 A little pleasanter. The sun shone pleasantly. Took dinner at James Fleming's and staid all night there. Enjoyed myself very well there.
29 A little cooler today. Went up to George Marlatt's and took dinner at Jacob Marlatt's. Had some snapping turtle; it was very good. Staid all night at John Ingersoll's.
30 Looked much like rain. Got a ride to Vienna. Stopped a while and took dinner at Alexander Howell's. Got a little acquainted with a nice young lady. Staid all night at David Parks. It cleared away toward noon and was pleasant the rest of the day.
31 Pleasant today only quite
cool. Heard Bro Vanhorn preach. Text 1st Cor Chap 15, verses 20, 21, 22. In
the afternoon attended Sacrament of the Lords Supper. In the eve went to church.
Bro Vanhorn, Text 1st Sam. Chap 7 ver 12. Staid all night at D. Parks.